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Elizabeth Krohn
Elizabeth Krohn was 28 years old when she was struck by lightning and had a life-changing NDE.

She had always been skeptical of anything beyond the material world, but that quickly changed when she found herself looking down at her lifeless body, her consciousness intact. Soon, she was sitting in a beautiful, vibrant garden, talking to someone she strongly suspected was God.

Elizabeth was given information about her life, the universe, even the future. When she returned to her body, not only did that information prove accurate, but her life became an avalanche of increasingly unsettling experiences. She has spent the following 35 years navigating a new reality filled with alarmingly detailed precognitive nightmares as well as other highly strange events.

Elizabeth now travels coast to coast speaking about her near-death ex­per­ience and the anomalous things that have happened in its wake. She is a frequent media guest and the author of two books: Changed in a Flash, co-authored with Dr. Jeffrey J. Kripal, and Eyewitness to the Afterlife, the essay for which she won a Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies prize in 2021.


At True Literary, we believe that every voice deserves to be heard. We are dedicated to cultivating and preserving a culture of equity and representation for diverse racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds. We stand unwavering in our commitment to championing gender inclusivity and uplifting LGBTQIA+ voices, both in the stories we represent and the publishing industry at large. In an era where trans rights are under attack, along with the rights of many marginalized communities, our agency is a safe, affirming space where authenticity is celebrated and every story is valued. Whether through advocacy, mindful partnerships, or the authors we champion, we strive to create a literary landscape where everyone belongs.



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